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2024 Virtual Conference Evaluation


Online Conference Evaluation and Certificates of Attendance/Completion -

Our conference evaluation and CE certificate system is entirely online. Click on the Express Evaluations link, also shown below, to log in to our online evaluation portal. Please do not try to log in to the Healing Beyond Borders website, that is an entirely separate website with a different username and password.

After clicking on the Express Evaluations link you will be directed to an outsourced website called Express Evaluations.  Your USERNAME is your email that you listed on your conference registration and the one that you have been using to log into Whova. Your password is HBB.

Complete the two evaluation sections - Session Evaluation AND Overall Evaluation. These two sections must be evaluated to generate a certificate. Upon completion of the online evaluation, continuing education contact hours will be automatically calculated and you will then be able to print and/or download your certificate of attendance. We encourage everyone to complete an evaluation, as they can be used for CHTP renewal credits as well as Nursing License renewals. Participant Evaluations are open to attendees through December 5, 2024. Requests for certificates after that date will be charged a $25 processing fee that can be paid through our Healing Beyond Borders online SHOP.

Log in to Express Evaluations for the HBB 2024 Conference

Below is an example of what you will see when logging into the online evaluation portal.  Please remember to complete both the Session Evaluation and the Overall Evaluation to generate a certificate. The evaluation portal allows you to re-enter at any time to evaluate as you go - please remember to click on SAVE and Continue once you evaluate a presentation (see image below).






Thank you everyone for being here and we hope that you continue to enjoy the conference!