Service Projects

Healing Touch Around the World 

Healing Touch is making a difference in countries around the world.  Read about classes, service programs and other activities, and see the faces of the individuals that are making this happen.     

The Australian Foundation for Healing Touch holds conferences each year.

Healing Touch in a hospice in Phnom Penn.

Five communities in Ecuador benefit from Healing Touch classes.

Healing Touch New Zealand has Healing Touch projects.

Kona - Healing Touch supported earthquake survivors at Kona Community Hospital.

Oahu - A Healing Touch class is taught in Japanese on Oahu.

Auroville - Healing Touch is taught in Auroville, India.

Nagapattinam - Healing Touch helps tsunami victims in southeastern India.

A Poem - "How was India? Oh... I went out into the village..."

Peru - Amazon - Women in Peru's remote Amazon forest learn Healing Touch.

NaNa Nagle - This Women's Center, built on a dump, offers regular Healing Touch classes.

Lima - A level 4 Healing Touch class is taught in Lima.

Chinca - Funds were raised at the HT International conference to support earthquake victims in Chinca.

Cape Town - "Yes Grandmother" project in Cape Town.

South Africa - The AIDS pandemic has devastated South Africa.  Healing Touch classes support the caregivers.

Bankok - Healing Touch is taught at a conference on chronic illness in Bankok.

Dharamsala - Students at Tibetan Medical Astrological college in India learn Healing Touch.

Lhasa - Healing Touch classes in Lhasa.

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