This story began in 2004 when Helen Hann, RN, MN, CHTP found herself with a mission group in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Because of her background in Healing Touch, she started giving treatments to the patients in their hospice. It was a gratifying experience that ended with her departure after three months.
The following year she returned for another three months and was fortunate to meet and train nine Kmai people who were employed by a Buddhist foundation headed by a female Buddhist priest formerly of Chicago. Though Helen is certified, she is not an instructor, so the training consisted of individual techniques rather than the formal classes. These nine were employed to visit patients with AIDS in hospitals, hospices and at home, providing support of varying degrees.
With the support of Beth, the Buddhist Priest, the training went very well and was met enthusiastically by the group. The Healing Touch in their work setting contributed significantly to providing relaxation and loving support for the patients.
In 2006, Helen returned again to see that they had continued the work and were doing very well. The attention and loving care was gratefully received by the patients, most of whom had no family or support system, due in part to the stigma attached to this disease. The plan is for this work to continue with the support of the Buddhist foundation, Brahmavihara.