Research Resources

Find the publications and resources that you need.  Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch® publishes and makes available a number of valuable publications and documents.

Web-Sites to Help Understand and Use Research
Healing Touch Research Brief
Bibliography of Research Articles

Websites to Help Understand and Use Research

Healing Touch Research Brief: The purpose of this publication is to revise and synthesize the previous Healing Touch Research Survey into a document that is more user-friendly and useful to stakeholders interested in research and the evidence-based practice of Healing Touch in the clinical setting. Previous versions of the publication provided an overview of the current state of knowledge of Healing Touch research, as well as studies in progress. This older publication included a brief summary or abstract of each Healing Touch study or project, and identified whether these studies were published in peer-reviewed journals, Perspectives in Healing, presented at conferences, or were unpublished theses or dissertations. While the old publication strived to include all studies of Healing Touch, over time the format became less user-friendly and lacked focus. Please visit the Healing Beyond Borders shop for further details on the new Research Brief.

Bibliography of Research Articles: View this listing of over 150 published articles, theses, dissertations, and major conference presentations about Healing Touch spanning the past ten years.

Read more here about the categories, format, and references for this bibliography.

There are Three Categories of Articles:

About this Bibliography
Included in this section are published articles, master's theses and doctoral dissertations from universities, newsletter articles, selected newspaper articles, and talks presented at professional conferences on research.  

Summaries or abstracts of the theses and dissertations that are mentioned in the Research section of this bibliography are found in the Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch® Healing Touch Research Brief which can be purchased.

Categories for the bibliography include: Professional sources such as articles in journals of medicine, nursing, massage therapy and other; Research published in professional journals, dissertations, theses, professional presentations, and newsletter articles; Public sources such as magazines and newspaper articles.

The format in this bibliography follows the 5th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The author or authors are first, followed by the date it was published in parenthesis, the title of the article or book, and where it is published (journal, newspaper, newsletter, etc.), the volume number and in parenthesis is the issue number if available, and lastly the page numbers.

References are identified in [brackets] as Data-based if they are research studies with findings that are presented from collecting data, and Peer reviewed if they have been published in professional health journals that have a formal review process.




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