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Victoria Cornelius

VictoriaCorneliusVictoria E. Cornelius MD, CHTP, RYT 200 hours

Victoria Cornelius is Board Certified in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, and Adolescent Medicine, and currently serves as Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Adolescent Medicine St. Louis University Health Science Center. Previous positions include Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (clinical track) St. Louis University Health Science Center, and Associate Program Director of Internal Medicine Program, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, and Staff Physician and Educator in Emergency Medicine and Ambulatory Care, Newark Beth Israel Hospital (affiliated with UMDNJ).

Victoria has served on the Board of Healing Beyond Borders since 2016. Her education as a physician has laid the foundation for a medical practice. All her professional years have been as a practitioner and a medical educator.   Yet, her experiences as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and a Yoga Instructor provide energy treatments and movements to encourage wellness from within. She notes:
“Healing Beyond Borders is an organization that brings this light and philosophy to the world. This organization offers a unique perspective. Our educational programs, certification, and conferences provide an anchoring community with that philosophy. The people, the mission, and the work continue to inspire me. And in giving, I have received. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute in this capacity.”