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Core Values

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Spreading Healing, Light and Love, Creating Wholeness on Earth through heart-centered service, education and professional development.

Healing Beyond Borders Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Heart Centeredness
  • Respect of Self and Others
  • Self Care
  • Service
  • Community
  • Unconditional Love


Healing Touch is a relaxing nurturing energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.  Healing Touch works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal.  It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care.

Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practices, hospices and spas and is taught in universities, medical and nursing schools and other settings internationally.


The Healing Beyond Borders HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is a continuing education program in energy therapy that is taught throughout the world. Well-grounded in nursing and scientific process, this transcultural course of study inspires an in-depth exploration of the human energy system and ancient healing traditions, as well as the qualities of therapeutic relationship, healing presence, and compassionate care within an energetic framework. Participants learn about the scientific basis and evidenced-based practice that underlies this energy therapy, and apply the unique theories and principles of holistic health from an energetic foundation and perspective.

Highly experiential as well as didactic, this exceptional, five-course certificate program moves from introductory to advanced practice, preparing the participant for a critical role in the unfolding field of complementary and integrative health care. The course of study focuses not only upon professional caring for and serving of others, but also upon transformational self-development and caring for oneself.

Over 100 continuing education contact hours eligible towards certification are available for this certificate program. Participants receive a continuing education certificate of attendance upon completion of each course taught by a Certified Healing Touch Instructor and receive a Certificate of Course Completion issued through Healing Beyond Borders, upon meeting all necessary practicum requirements. The graduate of this certificate program is then eligible to apply for credentialing as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.


Healing Beyond Borders Certification Board offers Gold Standard credentialing for Certified Healing Touch Practitioners (CHTP), and Certified Healing Touch Instructors (CHTI). Certification was established within AHNA in 1993, and transferred to Healing Touch International, now dba Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch® in 1996. Students, Practitioners, and Instructors are responsible to practice with integrity, adhering to the Healing Beyond Borders Standards of Practice / Code of Ethics, and Scope of Practice.


Healing Touch International, Inc., now doing business as Healing Beyond Borders, is the Healing Touch non-profit professional organization. We are dedicated to spreading healing, light and love worldwide, and supporting the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing Touch, Continuing Education, Research, Health Care Integration, and Professional Development. Support services are provided for the general public, Students, Practitioners, Instructors and those interested in healing.