Affiliate Organizations
Our affiliate organizations have established and incorporated their own independent non-profit Healing Touch organizations within their countries and pay affiliate organization memberships to Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch®. Healing Beyond Borders, in turn, honors this affiliate membership by providing discounted membership fees to the international members holding simultaneous membership in their country of origin.
Below is a list of our affiliate organizations and links to their web pages and or their contact information.
The Australian Foundation for Healing Touch Inc is a non-profit membership and educational organization based on the belief that all people have the capacity to heal through compassionate intent and that Healing Touch can be integrated with other forms of health care to ensure quality of life.
We are responsible for providing Healing Touch training within the required curriculum and for encouraging Practitioners to work within the Code of Ethics and International Standards of Practice set by Healing Beyond Borders.
We provide and facilitate training with an emphasis on the support of our members and ongoing research to better provide the best techniques possible. As such we offer scholarship funding for courses and research projects.
The Foundation also provides a volunteer network to expand the work of Healing Touch in hospitals, aged care facilities and more. The goal is to empower people of all ages to activate the innate wisdom of the body to self-regulate and heal all aspects of the self. The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) recognise AFHTI course graduates with Continued Professional Education/Development points.
Healing Touch Association of Canada: is a non-profit membership organization. Its purpose is to promote Healing Touch across Canada and to provide support for members practicing Healing Touch in Canada including nurses, other health care professionals and lay persons who are dedicated to providing heart centered care.
Healing Touch Sweden: is a non-profit organization since 2004. Its purpose is to spread Healing Touch in Sweden and to conduct training courses according to Healing Beyond Borders' guidelines and to provide support for their members. The Swedish organization has the intention to increase the awareness and acceptance of Healing Touch within the community, western medicine and alternative healthcare.
Healing Touch New Zealand, Inc., aims to inform people on the uses and benefits of Healing Touch, offering information to those interested in becoming a Healing Touch Practitioner through our multi-level learning program and providing ongoing contact with Practitioners throughout New Zealand.
PROSH Peru: Promoviendo Salud Holistica or PROSH.
Contact Person: Marg Kehoe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.