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Certification as a Practitioner

Healing Beyond Borders administers certification through a separate review by a Certification Board using standardized criteria. Intended for the professional practitioner, certification acknowledges learning experiences and demonstration of competence as a Healing Touch Practitioner. The Certification Board does not license the practice of an individual or assume any legal responsibility for her/his practice.

Practitioner Certification Applications

New Practitioner applications are accepted four times each year and should be postmarked to the Healing Beyond Borders office by these submission deadlines:

January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15

Target Audience
The HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is intended for registered nurses, licensed health care professionals of other disciplines, body-oriented therapists, psychotherapists and counselors, or individuals and lay persons who desire an in-depth understanding of healing work that uses energy-based concepts and approaches. Becoming a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner is an appropriate goal for those who wish to establish a Healing Touch practice or incorporate Healing Touch as a major focus within an existing professional practice.

Certification as a Healing Touch Practitioner
Credentialing as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP) is available to those who meet eligibility requirements and have successfully completed the entire five courses of study of the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program. It is expected that prior preparation and work experience have contributed to the practitioner’s awareness and application of confidentiality, legal responsibility for hands-on practice, biomedical ethics, standards and scope of practice, therapeutic relationship, and civic involvement.