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Healing Beyond Borders

Pay your certification fees or re-certification fees as a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner or a Certified Healing Touch Instructor.

CHTP Application
HBB Members: $250 new certification fee
Non-Members: $325 new certification fee

CHTP Renewal
HBB Members: $125 for recertification fee
Non-Members: $200 for recertification fee
Late Fee: $75 late fee is charged when packet is submitted after the due date

CHTI Application
HBB Members: $175 new certification fee
NOTE: HBB Membership is required for all Healing Beyond Borders Certified Instructors

CHTI Renewal
HBB Members: $100 for recertification fee
Late Fee: $75 late fee is charged when packet is submitted after the renewal date
NOTE: HBB Membership is required for all Healing Beyond Borders Certified Instructors