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2020 Conference Video Recordings Now Available – 60 CE
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Our 2020 conference video recordings are available for purchase with a total of 60 Continuing Education credits to be awarded for renewal of licensure or certification.
Continuing Education credits from AHNA are valid for a 2 year period, which ends 10/2022. You may still receive credit after this date for your Practitioner Renewal application.
Pricing is as follows (62 total videos included):
$370 USD Non-Members who did not attend the 2020 HBB conference
$325 USD AHNA & HBB Members who did not attend the 2020 HBB conference
$75 USD 2020 Conference Attendees
$27.08 USD - 12 month payment plan for HBB or AHNA members
(CEs can be obtained once payments have been made in full)
$54.17 USD - 6 month payment plan for HBB or AHNA members
(CEs can be obtained once payments have been made in full)
**price will appropriately reflect your purchasing status after a successful login
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Purchase includes all recordings below (62 total videos):
2020 Opening Ceremony & Welcome
KEYNOTES (11 .5 CE total for this section)
Key1: Birthing a New World - Joan Borysenko (1 CE)
** Joan Borysenko - Live Q&A
Key2: Heal Your Spaces with Feng Shui - Lorrie Webb Grillo (1 CE)
** Lorrie Webb Grillo - Live Q&A
Key3: Learning from the Mystery of Physiological Patterns - Victoria Menzies (1 CE)
** Victoria Menzies - Live Q&A
Key4: Healing as Appreciating Wholeness - Richard Cowling III (1.5 CE)
** Richard Cowling III - Live Q&A
Key5: Trauma Patterns w/ Healing Options Panel - Szczepanski, Cheeks, Cornelius, Slater (2 CE)
** Trauma Panel - Live Q&A
Key6: A Sure Path for Uncertain Times - Lars Howlett (2 CE)
** Lars Howlett - Live Q&A
Key7: Kabbalah - Tony Kosinec & Susan Morales Kosinec (1.5 CE)
** Tony & Susan Kosinec - Live Q&A
Key8: Rhythmic Immunity for Mind, Body and Spirit - Christine Stevens (1.5 CE)
** Christine Stevens - Live Q&A
Key9: Finger Labyrinth - Lars Howlett (0 CE)
MORNING ENERGY MOVEMENTS (9 CE total for this section)
EM1: Chair Yoga - Lisbeth Carlisle (1 CE)
EM2: Fri, Oct 2 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM3: Sat, Oct 3 - Yoga - Victoria Cornelius (1 CE)
EM4: Sat, Oct 3 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM5: Sun, Oct 4 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM6: Tues, Oct 6 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM7: Wed, Oct 7 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM8: Fri, Oct 9 - Awakening Qi: QiGong - Nadia Linda Hole (1 CE)
EM9: Sat, Oct 10 - Yoga - Victoria Cornelius (1 CE)
HBB Business Report 2020
HBB Pinning Ceremony 2020
HBB Pinning Ceremony Highlights 2020
Oct 1: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 2: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 4: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 5: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 7: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 8: Evening Meditation with Lisa
Oct 9: Evening Meditation with Lisa
WORKSHOPS (39.5 CE total for this section)
1 Change the Dream: Healing the Inner Climate and Outer Climate - Debra Denker (2.5 CE)
** Debra Denker - Live Q&A
2 Repatterning with Animals - Lauri Wollner (2.5 CE)
** Lauri Wollner - Live Q&A
4 Exploring Energetic Patterns Through an Energy Medicine Research - Suzanne Hess & Sophie Allen (2.5 CE)
6 Your Genes are NOT your Destiny: Demystifying the Science of Epigenetics - Lori Daniel Falk (0 CE)
7 Practicing Feng Shui: an introduction to and application of the tools - Lorrie Webb Grillo (2.5 CE)
8 Anatomy of the Chakras - Victoria Cornelius (2.5 CE)
9 Moving Through - Diane Wardell & Myra Tovey (2.5 CE)
10 The Turning Point: Transcending Separation and Creating from a Unified State - Brenda Hoehn (2.5 CE)
11 Mentorship Patterning for Professional Development - Mary Jane Aswegan & Anne Day (2.5 CE)
12 Axiatonal Grid Work - Mary Szczepanski (2.5 CE)
13 A Conscious Rende-vous - Pascale Boule (2.5 CE)
14 Moving with the Unknown: Reversing Fear-Based Mind Patterns - Melanie Smithson (2.5 CE)
16 Brazilian Toe Technique - Mary Szczepanski (1.5 CE)
17 Earth as Healer - Gail Worcelo (1.5 CE)
18 Understanding Patterns of Being "The Other" and Becoming "The Other" - David Rabinowitsch (1.5 CE)
19 Spiritual Cinema - Lisa Anselme (1.5 CE)
21 From a Distance, the Power of Healing Touch - Sue Kagel (1.5 CE)
22 "Here and Now" versus "There and Then" - Deborah Goldberg (1 CE)
23 Honing Key Messages to Promote Healing Touch - Joel Anderson (1.5 CE)
24 Three Turns of the Kaleidoscope: Healing the “Drama" - Bonnie Johnson (2 CE)
Closing Ceremony
Harmony Chorale: Song “Surrounding You”