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In honor of our 28th year, we are offering a 28% discount off select Healing Touch items located in our SHOP.
Members, please be sure to log in for additional savings on
select sale items. Our sale will be running through
March 8 while supplies last.
Celebrate Healing Touch Day 2024
March 6, 2024
Celebration Suggestions Below
The World Needs Us Now More than Ever
Healing Touch 365 - art design by Cat Miller
You (Healing Beyond Borders) “are the evolutionary vanguard for the transformation of human consciousness.”
~ Dr. Kyriacos Markides
Dear all,
I wanted to share with you information about the upcoming 2022 Healing Beyond Borders Virtual Energy Healing Conference. This is our organization's 26th annual conference and the theme this year is Moving into Presence: Embracing the Future. The conference will offer an unprecedented 78.5 Continuing Education (CE) hours! For those who are Certified Healing Touch Practitioners, this exceeds the number of hours needed for recertification.
While I am not serving on the Conference Planning Committee this year, as a member of the Board of Directors I get regular updates on the progress of our stellar program. The number and variety of speakers is quite astounding! I am tremendously grateful to the planning committee of our current president Gina Bondurant; vice president Christine Stewart; board members Victoria Cornelius, Carol Schoenecker, and Christa Voorn; executive director Lisa Anselme; education coordinator Carrie Niewenhous; and nurse planner Barb Schommer. Having served on this committee for several years in the past, I know the amount of effort, thought, and care that goes into planning the conference each year.
This year, our conference is fully virtual. While many of us would love to gather in person to celebrate together, the virtual conference has advantages that a traditional in-person conference just can’t match. Mainly, the multitude of speakers, sessions, and CEs for the price just can’t be replicated at an in-person conference. And, by virtue of technology, we’ve access to the materials until the end of the 2022 calendar year. If you’re anything like me, you simply can’t take enough notes and digest all of the information during the conference period. The ability to go back and review and synthesize the information throughout the rest of the year is a wonderful bonus.
Many of you know the financial impact a successful conference has for our organization. It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the finances of many individuals and organizations hard, particularly non-profit organizations. Participation in our annual conference is an investment not only in our own personal and professional development, but that of those in our community and beyond. How so? Well, I’ll give you some examples.
For over a quarter century, our organization has supported the heart-centered work of our students, practitioners, and instructors by maintaining and sustaining our lineage and the professional history of Healing Touch and our gold-standard portfolio certification. Without our organization, that reputation and wisdom is weakened. Being a member of Healing Beyond Borders supports a collective voice for healing, compassion, and service globally. Through collective action, we’re able to support, endorse, and encourage change in how people support the well-being of others. Our collective voice and engagement supports the vision we all hold dear: to spread healing, light, and love worldwide and create wholeness on Earth. That’s a tall task for anyone to attempt individually. Collectively, we continue to make tremendous strides toward this goal.
For example, last year, Lisa Anselme and I were asked to become inaugural members of an Advisory Council of Healers for the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) led by Dr. Shamini Jain. Healing Beyond Borders has been a part of CHI since its inception through the collaborative relationship shared with one of our instructors Rauni Prittinen King. Several times since joining this advisory council, other members of the council and CHI have lauded Healing Touch and Healing Beyond Borders as “doing it right.” We continue to stand as an example of how to weave together the art and science of healing with strong ethical standards and heart-centeredness.
During my time in the role of president, I often said, “the world needs us now more than ever.” That continues to be the case. The Attributes of the Heart and our Core Values are desperately needed in everyday life. I am grateful to have tools and skills gained through my Healing Touch education and practice and through engagement with Healing Beyond Borders to help me in actualizing those concepts of unconditional love, compassion, healing presence, innate harmony, and joyful service in my life. But just as importantly, I am grateful for the collective wisdom, strength, and presence of our organization and community that is engaged in this work, too. None of us have gotten to where we are alone. While individualism in the U.S. and other Western countries seems always to get the lion’s share of the attention, it has always been collective action and cooperation that has allowed any of us to thrive, whether that be individually, as a nation, or as a human society. Again, our collective voice and action as a vibrant organization is central to this given that, to quote Dr. Kyriacos Markides, we (HBB) “are the evolutionary vanguard for the transformation of human consciousness.” Being a member of HBB and engaging in conference is one of the ways we support that transformation.
Each of us can share with and promote among our networks the information and excitement about our upcoming conference. It is a vital resource for all of us in so many ways. I encourage you to share with your students, community, colleagues, and friends the information about the conference and what it means to you, our community, and the work we do. And if any of what I’ve written in this long-winded email can be of use in doing that, please feel free to pass it along or share as you see fit. My goal in sending this email is to spread the word about the conference so that as many people as possible can attend, engage, and learn from the experience that is being crafted for us in October.
Thank you for all you do in your daily lives to make the world a more loving, compassionate place for us all. Thank you for all you do to support others on their journeys.
With blessings and gratitude,
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA
Immediate Past President
Healing Presence. Sharing Our Stories.
An Invitation and a Healing Touch Story
From Victoria Cornelius MD, CHTP, RYT,
Member, Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors

V. Cornelius for Healing Beyond Borders 5/1/2022
Today is Sunday, and I woke up and went to an early church service. I got there, praying, meditating, finding calm, settling in. It is a sacred space and has had a million plus prayers said there to pave an express portal, the fast lane to Nirvana. The external distractions were removed and it was easier to navigate to an interior state. Or so I thought.
Lo and behold a family of three women, a baby, three boys under seven, and two preteens settled in the pew in front of me. To say chaos had sat in front of me would be an understatement. It was obvious that one of the children had inconsolable issues and the commotion would not have been permitted in most public spaces. Peace where are you? It would be true that most in the church, including me, wanted them to leave or go to the crying room. The gentleman in front of the family gave looks that said, “Make your children mind.” There was coughing and shifting behind me and looks from children that seemed exasperated with this boy. And it was not the first time, their looks said.
This is not what I wanted. I was struggling with resistance and was anything but a Healing Presence. I wasn’t negative, I have learned that much but I was assessing my move away. This was my time. And sometimes that is the answer.
I asked myself, “What do I need to learn from this?” The young boy‘s behavior escalated into a near panic attack; he did not want to join his age group for a procession. The family was trying to redirect his behavior and have him participate.The source of the pain emanated from the child and the baby was now wailing. Like waves sent out from a dropped stone, we were all riding these energetic swells of cacophony.
I sent intention to my higher self to communicate to his higher self to ask for help and to smooth the agitation. My state was certainly improved, for myself, if not for them. The service started and we began to stand and pray together. Things seemed to be settling down a bit. I certainly changed by attention to the service and not wanting things to be different. The noise died down or I just didn’t notice. We all changed our attention. It was almost as if the tidal wave of the community swept them into the group effort and away from the behaviors. Maybe our pulse, our unity of flow was healing. Maybe the moms were looking for a community that is big enough for the children to develop a rhythm of prayer and song. I smiled and waved to a few of the children during the service. They seemed grateful to have us absorb and diffuse the discomfort. We were present to both their pain and struggles, a healing presence.
Our theme for the conference is “Moving into Presence, Embracing the Future.” Peace is not the absence of a storm, but peace is the calm in the middle of it, anchoring to intention and attention. The external grabs at us. We want to fix it, manipulate it, do it our way. Can we stay with the discomfort? Can we be really comfortable with the discomfort? Are we witnessing so the resistance can dissolve?
Healing Beyond Borders is our community and we need to add more stories to share our ways and inspiration to help the flow of healing energy on this planet. We want the current of our organization to embrace others, embrace the future. At our conference, I spoke of gathering healing stories for a book collection.That has not yet manifested as the details to create this are still being teased out.
What we are proposing is to have stories submitted for the ezine or another digital means. We are considering another site to collect the stories and share. The final look is unclear and unfolding. But we know you have stories. The people who came up to me at conference had amazing experiences that need to be shared. Sterling stories.
Below is one of my first stories of healing as a member of this community. I shared it at conference and now retell it to include more people. Note: I have changed the name and some of the identifiers to respect and maintain patient confidentiality of the patient in the following story. I look forward to the conference and ways that we will ignite this path.
Heart Pain
Tom was scheduled as the first patient of the day, complaining of chest pain. Mr. Thomas Adams presented to our university medical office for care. Neither the male medical student nor I had met this 76‐year‐old man before.
We walked into the examining room, greeting Mr. Adams. He was a lean, gray‐haired man who appeared younger than his age. He stood as we entered. We shook hands and I encouraged him to sit, seeing that he was anxious and a bit tired.
We began the interview, asking the usual medical questions, “When does it hurt, with activity or rest? Describe the pain, duration, location.” Next the personal questions poured out. Tom had been traveling a lot and was also a caretaker for his wife. She had many health needs and these were becoming too demanding. He was not sleeping well.
The answers and the exam were reassuring but required a heart tracing known as an electrocardiogram, and labs to rule out something more sinister and threatening. His stress level was very high. I explained that stress was playing a part in his symptoms and an acute heart attack was unlikely. We discussed his need for more support for his wife and less demands on his time. We scheduled a follow up.
This was 2007. Wanting to support patients with tools, self‐care experiences, and empowering their efforts, I took a chance with Mr. Adams. I offered a complementary medicine calming technique. I phrased it as such to get a “buy‐in.” I used the words Healing Touch and described it as a technique to calm his mind. Remember, he came for science, and I was offering something else and knew nothing of his spiritual, religious, or energy literacy. The medical student was off grid and looked somewhat confused. It was not in the text book.
I wanted to focus on wellness and Healing Touch had opened that door. I was not yet certified but had taken a few courses.This technique, now known as Noel’s Mind Clearing technique is brief and effective to rebalance mental agitation. He was my first “medical” patient, getting an office treatment.
Mr. Adams agreed, willing anything for some relief from his current state. He sat in his chair with his eyes closed. I started with the healer preparation: grounding, centering, connecting, intention. I moved my fingers symmetrically around the center of his skull, like playing music and a song of perfect notes. I murmured what I was doing as he kept his eyes shut and trusted the energy and me. Someone once told me, “The fingers divine the flesh.” It seemed so that day.
The room was very still as I grounded him at the collar bones and disconnected from his field. I moved away as Mr. Adams opened his eyes.After a bit, I asked how he felt. His reply was, “I felt the laying on of hands.”
One can be in medicine for many years and will not have this type of shared experience. These 15 years later, I can still hear his spoken words. He left that day feeling a peace that had been eluding him with his recent responsibilities. There was an awareness that there were powers and support helping him beyond his own efforts. Perhaps with others, he could tap into it. We witnessed faith and hope emerging from this experience.
It was a blending of science and the therapeutic effects of Healing Touch. What was the greatest gift that day? The whole energetic experience of repatterning for his highest good... and ours. In giving we receive, and it is still a shared blessing and a humble memory.

May 2021 President Monthly Ezine
"Illuminating a Path of Healing"
& 2021 Conference Invitation
A 2021 Conference Invitation from Past President Anne L. Day
May 2021 President Ezine: Illuminating a Path of Healing
“For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Remember?”
~Walt Whitman
This year marks the 25th anniversary of our organization! The theme for our conference this year speaks to that and how our organization and community of healers have illuminated a path of healing for nearly three decades. During that time, our members have led the way in integration of Healing Touch into health and health care through community engagement, education, service, and research. We continue to lead with heart-centeredness, compassion, and unconditional love. We’ve held a light to illuminate a path of healing for ourselves and the world.
As a way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our organization, Healing Beyond Borders launched a social media campaign called Healing Touch 365 to broaden our reach and build community. If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn), then you will have noticed an increase in posts and information shared. In fact, our social media presence has more than doubled in the past quarter, with increased followers and engagement across all of our platforms! I encourage you to follow us, share our posts, and create your own.
This digital work is supported by a generous gift of $5,000 from Anne and Larry Day. You may recall that we are using their gift as the basis for a challenge grant to raise matching funds to support our push for digital media and outreach. To date, we have matched roughly a third of our goal. I hope you will join me in donating to Healing Beyond Borders and be part of this challenge grant. It can be as simple as a $25 donation!
We hope this increased outreach and digital presence will not only expand our membership, but also interest in our 25th anniversary conference this year. Last week, you received a preliminary list of speakers including Joan Halifax, Belleruth Naparstek, Emily and Vasia Markides, Lorrie Webb Grillo, Kellie Sauls, Ken Cohen, Grace Sesma, Annis Parker, and Gilah Yelen Hirsch. We will also be offering pre-conference events to include Course 2 and Course 3 HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program classes, and a Course 1 technique review. I’m so looking forward to gathering safely with you all in Colorado in September. Reserve your hotel room now! More information will be coming soon about conference registration.
Finally, if you’re a member, don’t forget to register for the free online media workshops I will be hosting for members during the month of June. Slots will be limited and offered only to members on a first-come basis. More information regarding dates and registration can be found by logging into the member’s area of the Healing Beyond Borders website.
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA
President, Healing Beyond Borders
Snow on Tulips - photo by Cat Miller
April 2021 President Monthly Ezine
"Illuminating a Path of Healing"
& Online Media Workshop
“Traveler, this is no path. You make the path by walking.”
~Antonio Machado
This year marks the 25th anniversary of our organization! The theme for our conference this year speaks to that and how our organization and community of healers have illuminated a path of healing for nearly three decades. During that time, our members have led the way in integration of Healing Touch into health and health care through community engagement, education, service, and research. We continue to lead with heart-centeredness, compassion, and unconditional love. We’ve held a light to illuminate a path of healing for ourselves and the world.
As a way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our organization, Healing Beyond Borders launched a social media campaign called Healing Touch 365 to broaden our reach and build community. If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn), then you will have noticed an increase in posts and information shared. I encourage you to follow us, share our posts, and create your own. As we head into the next 25 years for our organization, I’m grateful for the technology we have now, like social and digital media, that allows us to spread healing light worldwide in ways we couldn’t have imagined in 1996 when our organization was founded. Be on the lookout for more to come in terms of digital outreach. Spoiler alert: We’re working on launching a video podcast this year.
We hope this increased outreach and digital presence will expand our membership. And we’re working on additional avenues for outreach for our community, as well as member-only benefits and events. For example, based on the positive feedback received on my media presentation during our 2020 virtual conference, I will be hosting free online media workshops for members during the month of June that will offer a more personalized experience. Slots will be limited and offered only to members on a first come basis. More information regarding dates and registration can be found by logging into the member’s area of the Healing Beyond Borders website. Once logged in, select the "Members Only" drop down at the very top of the page and select the "HBB Media Matters Workshops" within the drop down.
Members of the Board of Directors are developing additional offerings that would be for members only or at a discounted fee for members. I also am working with various committee chairs to create offerings as well. To that end, I also have two organizational updates to share.
Over the past 25 years, our membership dues have remained unchanged. However, what worked financially in 1996 does not work as well in 2021. The Board of Directors voted to increase membership dues to $125 effective September 1, 2021, as well as a corresponding increase for international affiliate members. This date coincides with the beginning of our 25th anniversary conference.
My second update is that Victoria Cornelius has stepped down from her role as Vice President. Victoria remains a valued member of the Board of Directors and I am extremely grateful for the grounded thoughtfulness she brought to this role and continues to bring to the Board. The Board voted to appoint Gina Bondurant as Vice President. Gina’s wisdom and discernment will continue to serve our organization and community well as she takes on this role.
Finally, April is National Poetry Month here in the U.S. Maria Popova describes poetry as “that lovely backdoor to consciousness, bypassing our habitual barricades of thought and feeling to reveal reality afresh.” I hope you enjoy this animated reading of Marie Howe’s Singularity from the 2020 Universe in Verse.
“For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Remember?”
~Walt Whitman
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA
President, Healing Beyond Borders
Healing Touch Day!
- Give. Support Healing Beyond Borders in its mission to spread healing and light worldwide through the heart-centered practice and teaching of Healing Touch. Visit our website to learn more about how you can give to Healing Beyond Borders and be part of the challenge grant.
- Become a member. Joining Healing Beyond Borders offers you a professional affiliation with and connection to members around the world. We invite you to grow and expand with us!
- Spread the word! Share with your friends and family what our mission means to you and why you support our organization in celebration of Healing Touch Day (here are some more ideas to celebrate). Make sure to use hashtag #HealingTouchDay and tag us so we can share!

"But Lightwork is not always Light Work"

Image from Pixabay under a Creative Commons License
December 2020 President Monthly Ezine
In this time of challenge, when so many are suffering throughout the world,
we take time today to express our deep gratitude and love.
We are grateful for those who are working to create healing in this world.
We are grateful for those who risk their own lives to save the lives of others: the health care workers, the fire fighters, the first responders, the civil servants.
We are grateful for the light carriers, the intention holders, the peace makers.
We are grateful for the truth speakers.
We are grateful for the ones who work for justice.
We are grateful for the teachers and the families who nurture the young.
We are grateful for all those who place the well being of others in highest regard.
We are grateful for this impossibly beautiful planet and home.
We are grateful for this Earth's creatures and all her life forms.
We are grateful for challenges that are encouraging us to grow.
We are grateful for the love and compassion that this community imparts into the world.
We are grateful for you.
May your heart be filled with gratitude, peace and love.
May you radiate these qualities throughout your corners of the world, creating a blanket of calming, healing light throughout the planet.
Our Deep Gratitude,
Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors and Staff
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you,
it will be enough."
~ Meister Eckhart
Called for a Better World - Photo by Lisa Anselme
Seeds of Possibility - Photo by Cat Miller
"Lotus, Fire & Light" - Photo by Cat Miller

May 2020 President Monthly Ezine
Image is from Pixabay and used under a Creative Commons license
April 2020 President Monthly Ezine
blessing the boats (at St. Mary's)
"Life, inexhaustible, goes on. And we do too. Carrying our wounds and our medicines as we go...Perhaps our planet is for learning to appreciate the extraordinary wonder of life that surround even our suffering, and to say Yes, if through the thickest of tears."
"And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."
"For the New Year, 1981"
In the meantime, self-care is not an option these days. Indeed, it never was. Focus on the Attributes of the Heart, particularly Innate Harmony as was observed by Myra Tovey, who shared in a recent email to Lisa Anselme and me the following: "I would like to suggest that we focus on the Attribute of the Heart, Innate Harmony, 'being calm in the midst of chaos'. That will help transform fear into love."