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An Invitation to Connect

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An Invitation to Connect
from Mary-Cathrine Campbell
International Committee Chair
To the International Community of Healing Beyond Borders
Warm greetings to every one of you!
Whether you are a CHTP or a CHTI, I would like to invite each of you to participate in connecting with our community as a collective.
These past two years of the COVID pandemic have created challenges as well as opportunities for the work we do. During lockdowns, it was impossible to treat anyone individually. This created the impetus to develop online courses and to expand and deepen our commitment to distance healing.
Travel has been intermittent, and full of concerns as variants continue to appear and further extend challenges for our wishes to meet in person, whether locally or internationally. Some of us who have met either regularly or periodically have identified isolation as one of our main challenges.
With this in mind, I have been asked to reach out to each of you. Will you share what your experiences, both positive and negative, have been? With the assistance of the Board and the office staff, Zoom meetings could be arranged to enable all of you to connect internationally to share how you are, what has worked, and what has not. This will be dependent on responses from you.
Please email me with your thoughts. I am looking forward to connecting worldwide. My email address:
With much gratitude,
Mary-Cathrine Campbell, BA RN CHTP 
Chair, International Committee
Healing Beyond Borders
Mary-Cathrine Campbell began her nursing career in the Emergency Department. Her 30-plus years of hospital nursing include surgical and neurosurgical ICU, Operating Room, and outpost nursing in Alaska. Currently, she is employed in the Interventional Room of Diagnostic Imaging. As a former member of the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Team, Lakeridge Health, she has been certified as a Nurse Examiner, as well as having completed the Advanced Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing Course offered at Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta.
Her journey with Healing Touch International began with Level 1 in 1999, shortly after she graduated with a BA in English and Sociology. The remaining levels of HTI leading to certification last year, were spread out while she enjoyed the joys and challenges of parenting her daughter.
Mary-Cathrine believes very strongly that we cannot be effective conduits of healing unless we ourselves have done our personal healing work. Commitment to integrity, balanced with a determination to examine all facets of each situation before making a decision are two of the strong qualities she brings in service to Healing Touch International as a member of the Board.


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Guest Tuesday, 18 February 2025