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President's Update
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The Joy of Healing, Conference 2015
WOW! What a great time we had at conference! Our theme, The Joy of Healing, provided an uplifting platform for us to meet, reconnect, nourish ourselves and have fun. Everyone with whom I spoke was delighted with our venue at the Naples Beach Resort, and personally, I hope to return there again.
Thank you to all of our members who participated in Conference, either through presentation of workshops, planning events such as our annual pinning ceremonies, and those who volunteered to help out with the exhibitors' area. A big thank you to our office staff, who continue to work tirelessly "behind the scenes" to ensure that things unfold as smoothly as possible.
Our keynote speakers built on our theme, starting with Lucia Thornton ThD, RN, MSN, AHN-BC and finishing with Leah Curtin, ScD(h), RN, FAAN. In between, we learned about the importance of having fun, taking time to actually play (from the Fun Conspiracy), as well as learn of the experiences of personal healing while being a healer with Melanie Roche's (MA, BA, BBSH, BIH) powerful presentation. Gong artist Heidi Svoboda offered touching and soothing music throughout the Conference. Those of you who were present had an opportunity to hear of my personal journey as well, and I thank you for your very gracious reception.
We have already begun the process of preparing for next year's 20th Annual Energy Healing conference, which will celebrate 20 years of our organization, Healing Touch International/Healing Beyond Borders. Conference will be back "home" in Colorado, where it all began. Hope you will seriously consider joining us! We'd love to see you!
Board Strategy Session
Just prior to conference, the Board of Directors met for a Strategic Planning session. There were several areas that demanded our attention for future planning for this organization. I am very pleased to tell you our Ethics Committee submitted a wonderful document regarding Business Ethics. This was approved by the Board, with minor amendments, and is now available on the website for your perusal and consideration.
Another area of importance to the Board is that of Instructors in Training, both nationally and internationally. This has been closely tied in with the Education Committee. The Board has come up with some ideas and suggestions for re-energizing and re-vitalizing these areas, and hopes to move forward after input from those experienced committee members with new opportunities for all of our members.
New Membership Category Announced for Healing Touch Students
While the Northern Hemisphere moves into Fall, our friends and colleagues in the Southern part of the world are awakening to Spring. For all of our Healing Touch students around the world, the Board of Directors would like to personally invite you to join Healing Beyond Borders for half the cost of membership! For only $50* (US) Healing Touch students in Levels 1-5 can join our non-profit organization and receive full membership benefits! The one time, one year membership is for Healing Touch students in Levels 1-5 only and it only applies to new members. After the first year, membership renews at the current individual membership dues. (*If your country is an Affiliate Member, your dues could be even less! Email: for details.)
Did you know?
Healing Beyond Borders is the only non-profit service organization for Healing Touch endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA)? The Healing Touch Certificate Program Continuing Education activity is approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Tax deductible contributions to Healing Beyond Borders are now accepted! We have partnered with the Miraglo Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization to establish the Healing Beyond Borders Fund.
Making a donation is easy and you can 'earmark' what you would like to fund. Donations are sent to Miraglo and placed in the Healing Beyond Borders Fund for usage and distribution by Healing Beyond Borders.
Here are the donation categories:
- Education
- Research
- Communications/PR Marketing for Public Education/Exhibiting
- General Use or Other
Here are additional details:
-Minimum donation to receive a tax deduction letter: $50 US
-Identify your contribution is to support the Healing Beyond Borders Fund.
-Donor must include the specific area or category they wish to earmark the funds (from those listed above).
Thank you in advance for your donation!
Until next time, wishing each of you blessings and abundance,