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April 2021 HBB President Update

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b2ap3_thumbnail_AprilEzine.jpgSnow on Tulips - photo by Cat Miller

April 2021 President Monthly Ezine

"Illuminating a Path of Healing"
& Online Media Workshop

Traveler, this is no path. You make the path by walking.

~Antonio Machado


This year marks the 25th anniversary of our organization! The theme for our conference this year speaks to that and how our organization and community of healers have illuminated a path of healing for nearly three decades. During that time, our members have led the way in integration of Healing Touch into health and health care through community engagement, education, service, and research. We continue to lead with heart-centeredness, compassion, and unconditional love. We’ve held a light to illuminate a path of healing for ourselves and the world.


As a way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our organization, Healing Beyond Borders launched a social media campaign called Healing Touch 365 to broaden our reach and build community. If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn), then you will have noticed an increase in posts and information shared. I encourage you to follow us, share our posts, and create your own. As we head into the next 25 years for our organization, I’m grateful for the technology we have now, like social and digital media, that allows us to spread healing light worldwide in ways we couldn’t have imagined in 1996 when our organization was founded. Be on the lookout for more to come in terms of digital outreach. Spoiler alert: We’re working on launching a video podcast this year.


We hope this increased outreach and digital presence will expand our membership. And we’re working on additional avenues for outreach for our community, as well as member-only benefits and events. For example, based on the positive feedback received on my media presentation during our 2020 virtual conference, I will be hosting free online media workshops for members during the month of June that will offer a more personalized experience. Slots will be limited and offered only to members on a first come basis. More information regarding dates and registration can be found by logging into the member’s area of the Healing Beyond Borders website. Once logged in, select the "Members Only" drop down at the very top of the page and select the "HBB Media Matters Workshops" within the drop down.


Members of the Board of Directors are developing additional offerings that would be for members only or at a discounted fee for members. I also am working with various committee chairs to create offerings as well. To that end, I also have two organizational updates to share.


Over the past 25 years, our membership dues have remained unchanged. However, what worked financially in 1996 does not work as well in 2021. The Board of Directors voted to increase membership dues to $125 effective September 1, 2021, as well as a corresponding increase for international affiliate members. This date coincides with the beginning of our 25th anniversary conference.


My second update is that Victoria Cornelius has stepped down from her role as Vice President. Victoria remains a valued member of the Board of Directors and I am extremely grateful for the grounded thoughtfulness she brought to this role and continues to bring to the Board. The Board voted to appoint Gina Bondurant as Vice President. Gina’s wisdom and discernment will continue to serve our organization and community well as she takes on this role.


Finally, April is National Poetry Month here in the U.S. Maria Popova describes poetry as “that lovely backdoor to consciousness, bypassing our habitual barricades of thought and feeling to reveal reality afresh.” I hope you enjoy this animated reading of Marie Howe’s Singularity from the 2020 Universe in Verse.


For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Remember?

~Walt Whitman



Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, FGSA

President, Healing Beyond Borders


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