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Posted by on in New Website

How the New Healing Beyond Borders’ Website has helped Healing Touch New Zealand and can help you too.

By: Annis Parker, RGON, ADN, DipEd, CHTP/I, Board Member

b2ap3_thumbnail_AnnisParker2.gifHealing Touch New Zealand (HTNZ) has placed a link to the Healing Beyond Borders’ website (, and we regularly refer people to it. If offers insight as to what is going on in the Healing Touch world, the latest research, Conference details and much more. The effects of this are to encourage and stimulate people who have just made their first enquiry about Healing Touch, as well as to feature the larger scope of Healing Touch present throughout the world. Make sure you add the Healing Beyond Borders’ link to your website too!

On a personal level, as one of only two instructors in New Zealand at this time, I regularly look at the Members and Instructors Areas of the website to keep up with changes and updates. This is a great opportunity to stay current and identify what is important.

As an independent Instructor I am constantly referring students to browse the new website because of the vital content which is now available there. For example, I had two students in Level 1 who are professionals and wanted to know about research. As Instructors know, there is really no extra time in the class to spend on specific issues outside of the curriculum. I referred them to the website and a list of books (some of which I had in the class).

Having just conferred with our current New Zealand Chairperson (in case I had totally missed something) I would like to re-iterate the importance of this new website for all of us. It is full of interest, information and most importantly it is   constantly being updated or news is being posted.

Thank you for this vibrant source which keeps people aware that this is a World Wide organisation and not just North American centric. Well done for all the hard work now manifesting and I look forward to further developments.

Posted by on in Board Members

Dear Members,

Thanks so much for completing the Members Survey!   Research Director and Board Member Joel Anderson will provide a report very soon – we appreciate your feedback and suggestions. 

This ends the 3-part series featuring our new Board members Jan Tait, RN, BSN, CHTP/I, Maureen Kowba, RN, BSN, MS, CHTP, and Annis Parker, RGON, ADN, DipEd, CHTP/I.  Our last stop takes us to the other side of the world to New Zealand with new Board member Annis Parker,  Registered General & Obstetric Nurse (RGON) , Advanced Diploma of Nursing (AND), Diploma of Education (DipEd) and of course a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor (CHTP/I).

b2ap3_thumbnail_Annis-Parker.jpgAnnis is a New Zealand Registered nurse who has practiced in many parts of the world specializing in High Tech surgery: oncology; bone marrow transplant; disaster medicine; teaching and management. Living outside of NZ for 20 years, working in private enterprise for 5 years, multicultural living, raising a family, racing motor cars, and milking snakes for venom, has enhanced her world knowledge. 

Since 1997, Annis has had a full time Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor practice, and  teaches Levels 1-3. She now has clinics in Wellington and Auckland as well as working from her home base in Tauranga. Her expertise also expands into the animal kingdom offering Bio Energetic workshops to Veterinarians and others.

Annis is passionate about enhancing awareness of the knowledge within all animals and the teaching of the inter relationship between all beings. She was part of the formation of Healing Touch NZ, completed the first three years as president of that new organization and then handed over the reins to the very competent people who are participating in this work. This has allowed her to open up new areas, to teach and talk anywhere and everywhere in the country where there is an interest. She had spent six years on the Healing Touch International Board of Directors, Denver, USA as the International Liaison person. In that role Annis was able to facilitate the infusion of information from other parts of the world into the USA.

Annis’ expertise and dedication brings our two hemispheres even closer together as we all work as one to fulfill our vision to ‘Spread Healing, Light and Love, Creating Wholeness on Earth’.

Until next time,

Posted by on in Board Members

Dear Members,

Have you taken a moment to complete the Members Survey?  We want to hear from you – plus it’s easy, fast and completely anonymous.  As a member of Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch™ you simply need to sign-in, click on the Members Area tab, and then scroll over the pull down menu, and click on the ‘Members Survey’ link to answer a few questions.  We would like to have comments from you as well! We look forward to hearing from you.  (The link can also be found in the Latest News tab on the website.)

Welcome to the second of a three-part series featuring our new Board members Jan Tait, RN, BSN, CHTP/I, Maureen Kowba, RN, BSN, MS, CHTP, and Annis Parker, RGON, ADN, DipEd, CHTP/I.  Last time I introduced you to Jan Tait.  Today I’d like to highlight Maureen Kowba, and in a few weeks Annis Parker will complete the new Board introductions.

b2ap3_thumbnail_MaureenKowba.JPGMaureen is a native of Rochester, NY, and received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Niagara University. Upon graduation, she served as a Navy Nurse Corps Officer for 32 years in a wide variety of clinical, administrative, senior executive leadership positions in stateside, overseas and operational settings. Highlights of her career include selection to attend Ohio State University for her Masters in Science with nursing administration focus; deployment to Saudi Arabia during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm; appointment as the Nursing Department Head onboard the Navy hospital ship USNS COMFORT during the Haitian refugee crisis of 1994; promotion to the rank of Captain; and placement as Director of Nursing Services at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton where she established one of the earliest Healing Touch programs in Navy Medicine. Maureen concluded her naval career in 2003 as the Commanding Officer of the Navy’s largest medical technical training facility. She completed her Healing Touch certification in 2008 and is currently finishing Level 1 instructor certification. For the past six years, Maureen has been on staff at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine where she incorporates Healing Touch in her clinical practice with clients and staff. Maureen possesses 40 years of all-encompassing health care experience with extensive engagement in leadership, team-building and strategic planning roles. Her deepest desire and heartfelt intention is to offer these gifts in service to Healing Beyond Borders to promote the continued growth and evolution of our life-changing organization and the work we cherish. Maureen resides in Encinitas, CA.

We are delighted to welcome Maureen to your Board of Directors.  If you have a questions for the Board, simply go to the ‘Become a Member’ Navigation tab on the website.  Click on Board Members.  You can also find the Board listed under the ‘About’ Navigation tab, ‘What is Healing Touch’,  ‘Who We Are’ and then click on ‘Board of Directors’.


Posted by on in Survey

Members Survey (now closed) – Click here for this anonymous, easy survey.  We want to hear from you!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hope you have been enjoying the new website!  We have been getting great feedback on the look and feel of the website, as well as the new features!  Have you had a moment to explore the Event Calendar? Try it out – when you scroll over the ‘box’ on a certain date, the information automatically pops up. Click on it for even more information.  Please remember, only those Members who have selected to appear in the Online Directory will have information on both the Event Calendar and the Map of Healing Touch Around the World. You can always defer to the “Find Healing Touch” Navigation Tab for easy search results of Classes, Practitioners, Instructors, Mentors and more!

Members of Healing Beyond Borders are invited to complete a new Membership Survey!   The purpose of the survey is to gather information from the membership community about how best the Board of Directors and various committees can serve our community.  It’s easy, completely anonymous and offers you a chance to be heard!  Thanks in advance for taking a few moments to tell us how we can serve you better.

Simply sign in to the Members Area, and you’ll see a pull down menu for the survey called Members Survey for the direct survey link or click the link that's on the Welcome Members or Welcome Instructors page.

Thank you!


Posted by on in Board Members

Please join me in welcoming our new Board of Director members who were selected by the membership via electronic vote and installed at the 2014 Annual Conference and Instructor Meeting in Colorado Springs, CO, USA:

Jan Tait, RN, BSN, CHTP/I, CCAP, Michigan, USA

Maureen Kowba, RN, BSN, MS, CHTP, California, USA

Annis Parker, RN, ADN, DipEd, CHTP/I, Tauranga, New Zealand

For the next few weeks, I’ll highlight each new Board member, so you can get to know them better.  I am grateful they have committed to meet at least once per month and lend their expertise, dedication and experience as we continue to move our organization forward.

Here is a portion of Jan’s submission to be considered as a Board candidate:

b2ap3_thumbnail_Jan-Tait.jpgHealing Touch is amazing heart-centered and vitally important work.  As practitioners, we are each called to spread healing light worldwide. I would like to work with the Board to assist the Healing Beyond Borders’ members to expand the world’s understanding and use of Healing Touch. That includes not only the world beyond our borders of each of our countries, but also within each of our own worlds.  

I have been a RN for over 40 years and have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Michigan.  My first Healing Touch class was in 1993 and since 1996, I have had a private practice.  I am a charter member of Healing Touch International, [now dba Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the healing Touch™].   

In 2001 I was certified as a Healing Touch Instructor and am certified to teach levels 1- 3. In 2009, a group of Sisters of Mercy sent me on a mission to teach Healing Touch at their hospital in Georgetown, Guyana, S.A. What a great experience that was! 

Healing Beyond Borders is our professional organization.  We have had such dedicated members of the board and I feel it is time for me to pay it forward for all that I have received from this organization. When working with others, I listen to what they have to say.  I try to look at things from different points of view and to discern how decisions will affect the situation. I will do my best to work for the highest good for Healing Beyond Borders and its members.

Healing Touch has made such an impact on my life in so many ways. My passion and joy is to help people.  It is so satisfying to be able to use one’s heart, head and hands to facilitate someone’s healing. Considering the core values of Healing Beyond Borders helps me to be mindful of how I interact with others.  Having that perspective has made me a more peaceful person.

Remember you can always contact Board members directly on under the ‘Become a Member’ Navigation Tab on the website.  We are all here for YOU!



Posted by on in New Website

Welcome to the brand new Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch™ website! It was developed with YOU in mind!

Special enhanced features include this Blog, videos, the ability to translate the website into any language needed, as well as the capability to increase the size of the font for easy reading. We know you’ll enjoy a much more succinct layout, easier search function, and a special feature for those Members who choose to be in the Online Directory – a map which visually locates each Member!

We invite you to look around – you’ll see familiar material as well as added features. Since this website was built from the ground up, there may still be a few glitches. We thank you in advance for your patience!

We’d be glad to hear from you!

Mary-Cathrine Campbell, President
Healing Beyond Borders, Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch™