Perspectives In Healing. I have just read the 4th edition for this year. I am very impressed with the usefulness of all the submissions particularly as it is the end of 2014 and a great time to review and set our sights clearly for 2015. All the articles are relevant, timely and such a great reminder to us all. Thank you to all writers.
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Since 1997, Annis has had a full time Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor practice, and teaches Levels 1-3. She now has clinics in Wellington and Auckland as well as working from her home base in Tauranga. Her expertise also expands into the animal kingdom offering Bio Energetic workshops to Veterinarians and others.
Annis is passionate about enhancing awareness of the knowledge within all animals and the teaching of the inter relationship between all beings. She was part of the formation of Healing Touch NZ, completed the first three years as president of that new organization and then handed over the reins to the very competent people who are participating in this work. This has allowed her to open up new areas, to teach and talk anywhere and everywhere in the country where there is an interest. She had spent six years on the Healing Touch International Board of Directors, Denver, USA as the International Liaison person. In that role Annis was able to facilitate the infusion of information from other parts of the world into the USA.
How the New Healing Beyond Borders’ Website has helped Healing Touch New Zealand and can help you too.
By: Annis Parker, RGON, ADN, DipEd, CHTP/I, Board Member
Healing Touch New Zealand (HTNZ) has placed a link to the Healing Beyond Borders’ website (, and we regularly refer people to it. If offers insight as to what is going on in the Healing Touch world, the latest research, Conference details and much more. The effects of this are to encourage and stimulate people who have just made their first enquiry about Healing Touch, as well as to feature the larger scope of Healing Touch present throughout the world. Make sure you add the Healing Beyond Borders’ link to your website too!
On a personal level, as one of only two instructors in New Zealand at this time, I regularly look at the Members and Instructors Areas of the website to keep up with changes and updates. This is a great opportunity to stay current and identify what is important.
As an independent Instructor I am constantly referring students to browse the new website because of the vital content which is now available there. For example, I had two students in Level 1 who are professionals and wanted to know about research. As Instructors know, there is really no extra time in the class to spend on specific issues outside of the curriculum. I referred them to the website and a list of books (some of which I had in the class).
Having just conferred with our current New Zealand Chairperson (in case I had totally missed something) I would like to re-iterate the importance of this new website for all of us. It is full of interest, information and most importantly it is constantly being updated or news is being posted.
Thank you for this vibrant source which keeps people aware that this is a World Wide organisation and not just North American centric. Well done for all the hard work now manifesting and I look forward to further developments.