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Inspiration Unlimited - Paramount Wellness Institute
Brian Luke Seaward

Brian Luke Seaward is graciously donating a percentage of sales to Healing Beyond Borders.  He has continued to support Healing Beyond Borders and our non-profit mission of service and collaboration. Brian Luke Seaward, PhD is a renowned and respected international expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing and corporate health promotion. He is respected throughout the international community as an accomplished teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, author, award-winning filmmaker, visionary, and mentor. The wisdom of Brian Luke Seaward, a TEDx speaker, can be found quoted in PBS specials, college graduation speeches, medical seminars, boardroom meetings, church sermons, and keynote addresses all over the world. His corporate clients include Hewlett Packard, Procter & Gamble, Conoco Oil, Motorola, Quaker Oats, John Deere, BP-Amoco, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Maxtor-Seagate, Organic Valley Dairy, US ARMY, and many others. Dr. Seaward has authored more than fourteen books, including the classic best sellers, Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water, The Art of Calm and Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward, as well as the top-selling college textbook, Managing Stress (7e).

Inspiration Unlimited began years ago as a consulting company in the field of health promotion and wellness to provide the most current information on the aspects of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness for both personal and professional training and development. As a professional speaker, I have been asked to conduct various educational opportunities for professionals in all aspects of society; from the corporate and hospital settings to the Olympic arena whether it be a one hour talk or a weekend get-away. While the topic of stress management is by far the most requested, several other aspects of wellness are also in high demand.

“To make changes in our personal health and human potential we need not only education, but inspiration to make the changes permanent.”
- Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D.

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