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by Mary Szczepanski RN, MSN, CHTP/I

Mary has evolved her professional practice using a foundation in nursing and a long term interest in holistic health, high level wellness, meditation, biofeedback, metaphysics, Healing Touch, and studies with several teachers.

She appreciates the way in which the power of self healing is enhanced when individuals incorporate body-mind approaches into their own self care. Supporting clients in learning and using holistic techniques is a special focus of her work, whether in facilitating groups, teaching classes, or providing individual treatments.

Mary also understands that the health of individuals occurs in the context of a healthy environment and mutual tolerance and acceptance. She has been active in promoting human rights and the health of the environment.

Mary has graciously gifted a percentage of sales back to Healing Beyond Borders.

Books by Mary:

  • Energy Healing: Reflections on a Journey
  • A Path of Healing
  • Strands

Energy Healing A Path of Healing Strands   

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