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Online Streaming of the Healing Touch Techniques
Videos by Anne L. Day BSN, MA, HNB-BC, CHTP/I & Leslie S. Teyssier CHTP

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The purpose of these videos is to provide visual aids for those who have taken Healing Touch classes so that they can practice these techniques and become more proficient as they deepen their understanding and experience of energy work. These videos may also serve to introduce those who are not familiar with Healing Touch to see what the techniques look like, and hopefully, become inspired to take a Healing Touch class. These videos are not to replace taking classes! The classes are experiential, and students learn to experience energy through both giving and receiving Healing Touch.

Anne Day has been a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor for over 25 years and has taught thousands of students, both nationally and internationally.  She teaches the HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program which is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA)  for Healing Beyond Borders (HBB), a provider for continuing nursing education credits through the AHNA, the California Board of Nursing, and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

Courses 1-4: Run time approx 6 hours
Updates & Enhancements: Run time approx 70 minutes

Handouts for the Updates to the HT Technique Videos