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April 2019 HBB President Update

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 b2ap3_thumbnail_April-Ezine_20190408-184815_1.jpgPhoto Collage by Joel Anderson

April 2019 President Monthly Ezine

If you don't know about Greta Thunberg, I think you should. Described as a force of nature, Greta was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflappable and unapologetic championing of our planet and necessary action to combat climate change.

Earth Day has been around for almost 50 years. Yet over the past several decades, the impact of humanity on our planet seems only to have grown the point of tangible effects in each of our communities. As healers, we are keenly aware of all of this and the impact it is having on our heath and wellbeing, and what might be ahead of us.

But, as Greta says, where there's action, there is hope. We know the things that we can do to make a difference. And we can use our skills and our voices to motivate and encourage the large-scale change that we need.

Healing Beyond Borders has taken actions to improve our organizational level of sustainability. As Earth Day draws near, I am making a pledge as the current president of our organization to work with our office staff, Executive Director, and Board of Directors on tangible ways we can do even better in terms of our sustainability in an effort to make our organization as green as possible. Hopefully by the time I pass the baton to the next individual to take on this role, we can be as close to a carbon-neutral organization as possible.

Member Spotlight

Got a story to share? Let me know! If you'd like to share what you're doing in a member spotlight, please use this form to let me know what you're up to! I'll then incorporate these stories into Perspectives in Healing and future ezines to share with our global community.

For example, Hattie Peraino shared that the Healing Touch Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan, celebrated its 20th anniversary on March 30, 2019! You can read more about the Center in Hattie's recent post on the Crazy Wisdom Community Journal.

Judy Stoddard shared the following: "When I first started learning HT and was inexperienced, I would ask for the work to be done even if my hand positions were not placed correctly, realizing that energy goes where it is needed. As I work, I ask to be led and regularly say mental blessings, particularly when over the heart or crown chakras. I frequently use a Celtic peace blessing, the Buddhist Metta, (loving kindness blessing) or other appropriate blessings. When I silently ask, "may my hands be Your hands", I am opening myself to Spirit working through me as a conduit. When grounding at the end of a session, I silently give thanks for the session and for learning the modality."

Quarterly Group Read

The read chosen for the second quarter of 2019 is Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Robert Sapolsky. Dr. Sapolsky came to the University of Tennessee last spring and lectured as part of Brain Awareness Week. His presentation was based on this book and I immediately went out and purchased because I found it all so fascinating from both a scientific standpoint and through the lens of a healer. Though not always explicitly stated, cellular memory and energetics are woven all through this book, and Dr. Sapolsky deftly explains the biological consequences our environment have on our bodies and behavior. I also think it is very useful as one thinks about the causes and consequences of energetic patterns.

Online Discussion Groups

I will again be hosting online Zoom sessions to provide a space for support, connection, and dialogue with me in a small group setting. Use this link to submit your interest in the sessions scheduled for 2019. Dates and more information about the sessions can be found on the online form.

Meditation for April

As we think about and send love to our planetary home, this video from Meditative Mind provides Solfeggio tones to clear the chakras and deepen our connection to the Earth.

Become an Evergreen Supporter

Join me in becoming an Evergreen Supporter of Healing Beyond Borders. I've pledged to support the mission and vision of Healing Beyond Borders through an automatic credit card deduction each month. For more information, including giving levels, visit the store on our website and click on the Evergreen Support tab.

Online Store

And speaking of our store, have you seen all of the new products in our online store? There are quite a few new resources, supplies, and gifts that can support your learning, practice, and teaching. Profits from the sale of products from our online store directly support the mission of Healing Beyond Borders.

In light,

Joel G. Anderson, PhD, FGSA, CHTP
President, Healing Beyond Borders Board of Directors


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